[quote=harvey][quote=CA renter]What flu posted has nothing at all to do with the issue being discussed.[/quote]
Of course not. It was just an article about immigrant labor that countered your baseless claim about immigrant labor. The claim you made without any citations while comically attacking me for not doing any research.
[quote]As already noted by other posters, farm workers are not paid nearly enough as it is,[/quote]
The topic of this thread is immigration and refugees, not fair labor wages. The OP story is about immigrant children specifically.
If you have reason to believe someone is not being paid a legal wage, contact the authorities. I’m sure some government employee will get right on it.
[quote]American workers are not willing to do that […][/quote]
Which means they aren’t being displaced.
[quote][…]we should not be striving to plumb the deepest depths of what workers are willing to accept.[/quote]
Whatever in hell that means.
[quote]And I wasn’t referring to BG’s comment as research.[/quote]
Oh, you were just thanking her for insulting me?
[quote]All you have to do is look at the demographic shifts in some key industries [I’ll give you a head start: construction, manufacturing, warehousing, trucking, food service (esp. cooks and fast-food workers), hospitality, child care, auto repair, etc.), check out the demographic changes, and then compare that to the jobs where pay hasn’t kept up with inflation.[/quote]
I looked at them and didn’t see anything that would suggest we should not have compassionate policies toward immigrants and refugees, particularly children.
What did you conclude from your extensive research?
[quote]Here’s a fairly recent story about Disney dumping their local talent in favor of immigrants.
People sue for just about anything these days. An unsettled lawsuit is your best example?
The job market is doing well. The Fed is reporting we are near full employment. Your job-stealing immigrant boogeyman doesn’t exist.
As usual, the progression of your arguments is like a dog chasing its tail: cute for a moment or two, but then quickly becomes annoying and sad.[/quote]
As usual, your lack of reading comprehension skills rears its ugly head. This thread, like many others, has changed from the original topic. We are now on the topic of American workers being displaced. This was based on flu’s more recent link to an article about the “less educated” being most opposed to these demographic and cultural shifts.
You still haven’t done any research, Pri, and your statements make that painfully obvious. Try again.