[quote=harvey][quote=CA renter]Thank you, BG. It seems that Pri is completely unable to do any research of his own, while expecting others to spoon-feed him every single fact and detail[/quote]
Someone on the internet says they know some people that told them something, and you call that “research?”
No doubt you’ve cited BG posts in all your academic publications – give that girl a PhD!
But let’s get past the personal comments about me, or your gossip about what you want others to think of me. If you’re really on a higher plane then let’s see you set an example:
Tell us again about a demographic been displaced (besides BGs pals, lol.): Not someone making an excuse because they halfheartedly looked for a job and failed…an actual, documented population of people that have been displaced by immigrants in the US.
Still waiting for an actual answer, and the Piggs see clearly when you weasel out with an insult or “do some research” cop out.
While we are at it … What’s your general position on refugee immigrants? Can you make a direct statement, without innuendo, or speculation about what someone else might think in some hypothetical situation?
Can you elevate the conversation about the middle-school level, and say something with substance?
EDIT: I see that flu just posted some credible research. Should his wife also go dictionary shopping?[/quote]
What flu posted has nothing at all to do with the issue being discussed. As already noted by other posters, farm workers are not paid nearly enough as it is, and these immigrant workers (especially the undocumented ones) are willing to live in cramped, decrepit, filthy shacks; or camp out in river valleys and hillsides. They have been working these miserable, back-breaking jobs without overtime, and are often abused and disrespected by their employers. American workers are not willing to do that, and we should not be striving to plumb the deepest depths of what workers are willing to accept.
And I wasn’t referring to BG’s comment as research. All you have to do is look at the demographic shifts in some key industries [I’ll give you a head start: construction, manufacturing, warehousing, trucking, food service (esp. cooks and fast-food workers), hospitality, child care, auto repair, etc.), check out the demographic changes, and then compare that to the jobs where pay hasn’t kept up with inflation.
Here’s a fairly recent story about Disney dumping their local talent in favor of immigrants.
Now, try doing some of your own research. I’ve just given you a head start since you’re clueless about how to do this on your own.