[quote=harvey][quote=CA renter]So, do you think we should continue to spiral down until we are all living in mud huts and eating a bowl of rice per day (while our corporate masters get wealthier and more powerful), or do you think we should protect our industries and our way of life by enacting trade laws and tariffs that offset the differences between our environmental and labor standards and the standards of others?[/quote]
A strawman and a false choice in one sentence! Nice use of logical fallacies!
What I think is that any attempt to guarantee investment returns decades into the future is folly. I think we should base policy on the realities that history has taught us, not the fantasies that some would like to believe.[/quote]
Not at all a false choice or a straw man argument (you like to make these claims a lot, pretty much anytime you don’t have an answer to someone else’s challenge). Do you seriously not understand the trajectory that we’re on? Do you honestly not know where our corporate masters are driving the global economy? Do some research for a change!
And if we were to all lose Social Security and DB pensions (and Medicare, since we’re throwing everything out there that is backed by taxpayers), how do you think that would play out? Do you not understand that we would still have to pay for these people when they run out of money (and they would run out of money), or risk serious social and civil strife?
In the past, a large and strong family unit was the social safety net. With industrialization and globalization, that can’t happen. What do you propose *that would actually work*?