[quote=harvey][quote=bearishgurl]So, in reading between the lines, here, harvey, if YOU’RE actually collecting a gubment pension yourself, do you feel it’s “bad policy” to pay YOU every month if the Federal Gubment is trillions of dollars in debt??
What you DIDN’T answer here is very telling.[/quote]
I don’t have a government pension. Go ahead and speculate otherwise. Fabricate my entire life story if it makes you happy. I really don’t care what you choose to “read between the lines.”
Your fixation on other poster’s personal situations is pretty creepy.[/quote]
I don’t have to “fabricate” anything about you, harvey. You’ve laid it out here for us, yourself. You just posted that you accepted a gubment position with a defined benefit plan and now you’re essentially saying that you either didn’t vest in the plan or are not yet eligible to collect the pension you will be due.
If you didn’t vest in that DB plan for which you took a position which required your highly specialized skillset, I’m sorry to hear this, harvey.
There is a reason for everything. I’ll just leave it at that.