[quote=harvey]A while back, when I actually attempted to read her almost-plausible data-strewn nonsense, there was something that caught my eye:
She complained once that she got in trouble at work for sleeping on the bathroom floor.
The signs were there all along, but that’s when it really hit me.
She posted some made-up stuff about me and my family once. I asked Rich to delete it and he obliged.
Ah, whatever … I wish her the best.[/quote]
Uhhhhh, harvey . . . I mean . . . pri_dk (former-champion-of-uninformed-trolling-but-improved-somewhat-as-of-late)?? Can you show the Piggs where I posted your (bolded) statement?
I’m waiting with bated breath :=0
zk, I apologize here if you feel I was trying to make you “look bad.” Your main concern here seems to be that I was but, honestly, I really don’t have the time or desire for those kinds of BS games (especially now) and nothing could be further from the truth. The reality was that I saw an opportunity to “yank your chain” a little because your initial posts on the “tidy” thread clearly stated that you were frustrated with some aspects of living with your “tidy” partner because you were a lifelong “messy person” (“reformed” or not). And there’s nothing wrong with that. But before the thread was even noticed by me, you (rather self-righteously) ranted on and on here in-finitum about all the ways you disagree that “tidiness” has anything to do with one’s character. (I respectfully disagree in that in some cases, tidyness (or lack thereof) has a lot to do with one’s character and we are all entitled to our own opinions.) All of your words here speak for themselves.
I myself have purchased home(s) in the past with particular lots/floor layouts which lent themselves to both indoor and outdoor medium and large-scale entertaining. Upon purchase and a bit of fix-up, I fully expected to use them for that purpose and did just that for many years. I couldn’t imagine in my wildest dreams making the numerous (expensive) improvements you say you did on your lot and then later agreeing to be (unreasonably) restricted by a partner/co-owner as to how I could use my lot!
If I was a co-owner of my residence, my expected use of my/our lot would have been an agreement that was crystal clear between me and my co-owner long before purchase, or at the very least, before spending a small fortune improving the backyard for the sole purpose of entertaining. I see this as a huge issue because often offers are made on a particular parcel solely due to its lot configuration, floor layout of the house, etc, lending itself to the (allowed) uses of it in the mind of a prospective buyer. If there are two or more prospective co-buyers/co-remodelers for the same parcel, then they all or both need to be on the same page regarding the scope and cost of future improvements and future uses of such improvements before making them, or better yet, before purchasing the property together.
I don’t think anybody in their right mind would make the numerous and costly improvements to their BY as you state you did in the “tidy” thread without the expectation of using it to entertain groups of people in. Everyone knows that you can hardly play bocce ball all by yourself.