Happs, I think if you try the splitter with your TV, your internet connection will be very slow. Cox Essential Internet service is only 3 mbps to (compared to 18 mbps for Preferred svc) and Essential TV service does not include Advanced TV or Hi Def. I’ve worked in several law offices in older SD bldgs which did not have cable. They had DSL internet service which seemed comparable to Cox Preferred Service to me.
I believe AT&T Uverse serves downtown SD, Hillcrest and Golden Hill. They have 2-3 speeds of DSL service to choose from. Bundled with TV, this might be a better bet for you. The thing is, you might have to sign a 6-24 month continuous contract with them to get the best rates. Cox is now requiring a 24-mo (ETF) be paid of $2 or $10 (per remaining month) if the customer gets a bundle of two or more services with a price-lock guarantee and terminates their service before 24 months is up. I just finished negotiating with them yesterday as I will likely not be here for 24 more months and my bill was going to ratchet up again, this time to $48 more per month.
I believe Cox may have 90-day bundles as well and this may be all you need until next year, when you come back and are a *new* customer again (who is eligible to sign up for another bundle) 🙂
Maybe some other Piggs have some good ideas on how to get good internet service without signing a contract. With good internet service and a TV tuner installed in a PCI slot of a desktop computer, you might not really *need* TV service.
Broadband internet service has more doubled in price in SD in the last decade.
Based upon your OP, I don’t think you need to pay Cox or anybody $60+ to come to your residence and set it up. Your surfboard modem will work fine with Cox and Uverse will let you buy or rent a DSL modem if you go with them.