@ Hank – do you have any links on the mortgage research you did? As long as its free and non-invasive, i’d like to check out a few places myself.
As for when we buy, summer 2007 is the earliest. Depends on how long the Husband can stand living here in the “Waiting Room of Hell” (to quote Johnny Drama, from ‘Entourage’), we’ll stay put as long as we can. Judging from the amount of freefall already happening we may not have to wait to much longer than Q22007 to see ‘affordable’ prices.
Who knows, life’s a mystery sometimes…
It has to do with the Zoning – I wondered what it was too, and found an almost understandable explanation deep in the Labyrinth of the LA County’s website. I think they’re refering to the Malibu Coastal Plan: http://planning.co.la.ca.us/doc/plan/drp_Malibu_LUP.pdf