tg, man. That’s a good rant. That’s my rant too. Holy shit is that my rant. I get sick of hearing myself. [insert joke here] Add up all the money we’ve spent on Iraq, bailouts, etc. All the time we’ve wasted on distractions and meaningless issues. We’re suckers.
9/11 should have been a holy wake-up call for all of us, opportunity to chart a clear course. Instead, we went to the mall and went shopping. Gotta keep the economy going. Buy a big truck too, so our imports of foreign oil go up another 25%. It’s just insane.
I’m so tired of retards running this country. I want Osama dead. I want an electric car. I want CNG and solar and wind and nuclear and drill if you have to, but stop sending our money to Saudi Arabia so they can stab us in the back. Ten years from now, everybody should be driving electric. Everything else is bullshit.