Hah! LMAO… That is so true! We’re going about this all wrong.
We need to set Bin Laden and Zawahiri up with J-Lo and Paris. At first, they’ll think it’s cool but within a week, they got papparazzi everywhere they go, flashbulbs popping and creepy LA photo bums spying on them with telephoto lenses from 10 miles away. Whole damn world will have a beat on them with non-stop cable tabloid updates… It’s genius! It’ll drive the whole AQ gang batshit crazy! Worse than GITMO!!
BTW, surveyor? I actually do read yer posts. I can’t make sense of them!! But I read them… Soldier on. I’ll keep reading. Maybe we end up on the same side of a housing issue one of these days.
AFF, now, if you read it in the original Greek, or even the Latin translation, well, that would be most impressive. Nevermind, I don’t want to ask… <g>