Had case where rear ended at 40mph, totaling both cars. Mercury Ins, tried to bribe me with $500 first week, mentioned that what if there are injuries, they said your HMO will cover it. (Is that not outright fraud, only 1 year to file claim in CA) Didn’t sign, unfortunately there were back injuries and hired lawyer, and he and chiro made most of the money.
Heard story of someone’s vehicle was broadsided, he saw doctor once, but had recurring pain. Wrote “sob” story to Allstate or Statefarm, stating that make $100/hr, hurts 3 hrs a day, give me 6K. They sent a check for $5K the next day with No documentation. No wonder Allstate rates are high. Both examples show regardless disregard for customers and/or shareholders. Moral of story is to drive a big ass vehicle, and drive safely. If you do get hit, hope that other party has generous insurance.