Guess what Rush and friends are saying tonight(in private):
We are so happy that gays are so selfish that they (corrected) will destroy the dem party and give hope to McCain. Many cons dont like McCain, but they really hate gay lifestyle and this ruling will bring them all out.
Just when dems are gloating, they are being outfoxed and will get humiliated once again in Nov. Note that most foriengners, esp Asians hate gay lifestyle and will swing to McCain(its not a choice).
So question for the dems: Do you care about gays or your party more? As Sandi stated, its just cultural. If you cared in the least about your party (and supposedly our country) you would denounce this ruling and tell gays to fight for civil unions (listen to Marion and tell them to just STFU and go home). Luckily, dems dont care about winning so I will accept your concession today.
I will close with this liberal quote: “Selfish people should not be in power.”