[img_assist|nid=7162|title= GRM, Real Case-Shiller HPI, Real Rent|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=466|height=315]
Here’s an update to the Gross Rent Multiplier chart. I also added the inflation adjusted rent (in orange) and the inflation adjusted Case-Shiller HPI (in green). I normalized the rent and HPI data to match the GRM value in 1913. So all 3 data series start at the same value and we can see how they diverge over the years.
The recent housing boom sent prices into uncharted territory. Before that, prices remained relatively flat with a slight upward trend.
Rents went down a lot between 1930 and 1950. After that remained pretty flat with a slight downward trend.
The GRM has generally been going up over the years. As noted earlier, it seems like the GRM has gone up in steps.