[quote=greekfire]Breaking out the “I don’t have time to read your sources” card isn’t a very strong argument, in my humble opinion. What “widely discredited” piece of writing do you speak of? Is it the same “Creature From Jekyll Island” book authored by G. Edward Griffin? I don’t agree with everything in said book, but would love for you to enlighten us on how said book has been “widely discredited”. Hard sources are welcomed…[/quote]
I’m not *arguing* that “I don’t have time to read [investor’s] sources.” I’m *stating* that I’m unwilling to do so because I have a life that I would prefer attending to. Thus, this isn’t part of my “argument” – it’s just a statement of fact that you can take or leave. Just a clarification.
I already provided a link in a previous post within this thread to an economist who has spilled a lot of ink debunking Griffin and other Fed conspiratorialists. (And there are many others.) You can find it yourself – I’m too lazy to do it myself. Again, that’s not an “argument” – that’s just a statement of fact which you can take or leave. I’m sure you’re capable of doing your own research, yes? Assuming so, enjoy.