I’ve been in and mostly out the “slimy tentacles” of AT&T (formerly “Cingular”) ever since I got my first cell phone in the 90’s but have always used their voice services. More than half that time though, I was not under contract. I once bought a new (infrared, lol) handset on e-bay. Friends and family gave me slightly used phones. Soon I will buy another on e-bay with a great camera! Since the GSM chips are interchangeable now in unlocked phones, there is no reason whatsoever to be in a carrier’s “slimy clutches.” Most of my friends and family are on AT&T and I have a lot of rollover minutes, so I will remain there and keep my rollover privileges. My bill is $45.66 mo for 450 mins and I had the carrier turn all the services off years ago except voice, so I don’t have to pay for hitting my phone and going online or someone’s incoming text.
If you don’t want or need one of their blasted phones where they’ve hosed up all the features so you will subscribe to all their monthly services, then you don’t need to be in their “slimy clutches.” Lots of cool phones are available on e-bay and craigslist, both new and used. There’s no reason to sign a contract. Buy unlocked and keep your freedom!
I will put my new phone online at home on my secured router and also use it to get online at public places with free wifi. I won’t need AT&T to get me online because it will be U-N-L-O-C-K-E-D :=]
You’re only in prison if you choose to be. It’s a free country.