[quote=GovernmentSachs]Who gives a shit if Arraya is right on all the little details or not?
I personally could give a rat’s if Arraya or Zero Hedge or anyone that criticizes banks is ‘right.
If that Youtube video turns out to be 100% wrong, I could care less so long as it incited more people to email and call their representatives and let them know that they better stick it to the banks any way they can or risk getting voted out of office.
It’s a little bit difficult to have an intelligent discussion about an issue if one party doesn’t care about whether the sub-set of “details” is right or wrong. Also, I guess I should point out that if you don’t get the details “right,” then there’s a reasonable chance you’re not going to get the big picture right either.
I will agree that the Banksters have done a lot of damage to our economy and should be held accountable… but it doesn’t help the cause to put out incorrect and misleading information that can be easily refuted, because it makes those on the anti-bankster side look silly and desperate, which in turn HELPS the Banksters cause.
We have enough problems that were caused by these clowns that can be DOCUMENTED and are TRUE that there’s no need to invent red herrings. It’s a waste of time and effort, and it’s counterproductive.
A Bankster would point to your post and say, “Look, my good people, there are certain people [GovernmentSachs] who don’t even CARE about the truth! They simply want to persecute!” As such, folks like you are part of the problem.