Government spending is inefficient, but it’s the glue that keeps society from much worse things. Greedy people who can’t think past their bank account (you know who you are!), but more importantly graft reduction, social programs, health care for those who don’t have it, and public services for a population who are being screwed over by an apathetic and unenlightened population of morally challenged Republicans (many of them).
By the way… Greedy dirty guys like Bush are the reason that Katrina didn’t get relief. When you elect a not very bright party boy who values loyalty over competence, you get what you deserve. You don’t have to tell me jg you voted for him. I know that. But you can’t vote for a guy because he shares your morally indefensible belief system, then repudiate him and his evil minions.
The depression won’t only come because of the government. It comes from the Republican ripoff artists who have made any previous administration look like a bunch of careful and prudent investors. The only thing that Bush invested in was his faith based immoral stance and lining the pockets of the wealthy.
Sorry… Had to say it… You deserve the government you have.