[quote=GoUSC]My frustration is that I feel priced out of a market because of fraudsters and people with no ethics. And on top of that the Government is coming in and saying that’s okay we’ll bail you out. Meanwhile both myself and fiancee are the highest tax bracket so you better believe over the next decade or more we’ll be paying the brunt of the cost of this.
I just feel like the system is gamed way beyond anything I can compete with.[/quote]
Oh, man, do I hear you. That’s what frustrates me also. We play by the rules, these people basically legally cheat, push the price out of reach for those of us playing by the rules, and now here we are helping them and the banks out. Yeah. I know life isn’t fair and if there were ever any doubt in anyone’s mind, this particular example says it all.
We got priced out of the market and we’ll be paying for it w/our tax dollars, just to add insult to injury.