Gotta weigh in on the old argument about using a realtor vs. going it alone.
Have bought & sold many properties, with and without real estate agents. In general, they are worthwhile simply because they insulate the buyer and seller from each other and smooth negotiations. Remember that the buying process is filled with pitfalls for each side and is a zero-sum game, with each side ready to rip the other to shreds. That’s why, ideally, the seller and buyer should never meet. If you are buying, you want the seller’s agent to knock some sense into them if they are delusional or in love with their house. If you are a seller, you want the agent tito market your property effectively to get the highest price and scope out the real buyers from the flakes. In countless other ways, good brokers move the transaction along, anticipate and solve problems, and coordinate all the necessary parties to do their job. These details are often ignored by the uninitiated who concentrate solely on the commission and ignor the time spent on deals that don’t get consumated.
That said, agents and realtors vary widely in knowledge, effort, and ethics and it is your job to select one carefully.