Good job newguy, that’s the way to make the builders compete with each other. Going into the deal with 20% down will make builders compete for you buisiness. They don’t like working with %100 loans and people who can barely qualify. They also don’t like working with people that have to sell their homes. The way you went into the deal got you such a great deal. For those that are planing to buy you might learn something from his post. The more leverage you bring into a deal with less headaches makes you the ideal buyer. This allows you to make deals.
23109VC I think you did great also. You got a good deal and saved $$ on moving expenses. You got the home you want. Although prices are still going down, I don’t see your home selling for less than 300K. There may be a few bank repos that sell for 250K, but that won’t be the going rate for your home. Unless the cost of building goes down, I don’t see builders selling 1,900sqft 1 story homes with upgrades for $250K. And if I’m wrong I’ll be very happy, because on still sitting on the fence waiting for the right price.
Temecula is a nice place to raise a family. For the price you get great schools. The tax is high, but that’s part of the reason why the schools are so good. Enjoy your new homes and good luck.