Good grief, you’re a moron with your logical fallacies and strawman statements. There’s no right answer since its time-dependent.
Obviously you were stupid 7 years ago not to buy when you had the chance. That’s your stupidity and not ours.
If you want to buy now and project for 7 years, here’s the easy analysis.
Monthly payments on an $800,000 (with insurance, HOAs, melos)=$4500
So the real question is whether your equity in your home 7 years from now is greater than (7 * 12 * (4500-2300)) + (your downpayment) + (any investment increase from the previous number).
I just don’t understand your ignorance in paying an average of $2300/month for a place over 7 years (unless, you’re telling an untruth, which is pretty typical in your posts). Face it, you couldn’t afford a home 7 years ago, and if think its a good time to buy right now, you should be able to (if you saved up enough money)