Gold falling. Right on schedule. Markets cannot always be predicted, but often we can accurately predict their movement, just based on analysis of economic fundamentals.
Yesterday, saw this coming and sold 60% of my gold. I should have sold ALL my gold yesterday. Now today, I’m buying gold back….but not everything I sold yesterday…not yet.
And today, I’m seeing more evidence that stocks are building momentum for continued upward move in this new Fool’s Rally I spotted yesterday.
Like I wrote yesterday, I believe THIS IS the strong, weeks-to-month long Fool’s Rally we’ve all been looking for. This one’s got staying power!
the will be damned if they sell their precious commodity for less than $100 a barrel
That’s why I’ve been LOADING UP on oil stocks now for last couple days.
Also HOLDING those oil stocks. Buy on the rumor (cut in oil production), sell on (or ahead of) the fact.