Going to echo what SK said about giving up video games because your partner will need you more…forget about the kid.
As a wife and mother, there is nothing in the world that is more endearing than a husband who focuses on the mom so that she can focus on the kid (especially if she’s nursing, etc.). Her body is shot. Her hormones are rushing through her and her body is trying to heal from one of the hardest things it will ever do, all at a time when this new little person will be most demanding. She’ll feel unsexy, unwanted, tired beyond belief, and overwhelmed. If you take the time to make this first year as easy as possible for her (and make her feel sexy and loved, no matter what she looks like), you will be richly rewarded for the rest of your life. Screw it up by playing video games, watching hours of TV, ignoring her, going out with “the boys” while she’s stuck at home, not being helpful, and telling her that she is anything less than the sexiest thing you’ve ever seen in your life…and you will be paying for it for the rest of your life. The greatest gift you can give to your kid is a healthy, happy marriage and a warm, loving home. Focus on your marriage/wife, and the rest will fall into place.
Sorry for the unsolicited advice, but think this is so important, I’m willing to have you hate me for it. 😉