Getting back to the comment on “conservative values” including “individual rights and self-determination”, that idea often seems to end where a woman’s body begins. Contraception is portrayed as somehow sinful and similar to abortion, and once a woman gets pregnant she is expected to bear the child no matter what. These same people who want to force a woman to donate her womb to a fetus would be appalled at the idea of forcing a man to donate his kidney to a stranger.
Then they also want to prosecute a “war on drugs”, even on marijuana, whose effects are no worse than tobacco and alcohol. So much for “individual freedoms” there. Finally, they advocate hands-off policy on corporations who want to pollute and despoil our landscape, making our countryside and planet unfit for human habitation. In other words, no interest whatsoever in “conserving” our natural resources.
I think a lot of these self-styled “conservatives,” especially the noisy Washington politicians and media mouthpieces, talk out of both sides of their mouths and I don’t think they are true conservatives at all. Unfortunately, they squall so much and loudly about how “conservative” they are that everyone thinks that oppressing women and minorities, interfering in consenting adults’ private lives, and laying waste to the land we must live on are part of the “conservative” agenda.
The closest thing to a true “conservative” I’ve seen is your average Libertarian. Not the leaders of the Republican Party and the “right wing”.