[quote=gandalf]surveyor, please check the YouTube link posted by jfiq…
It’s really remarkable how he stumbles over “the bomb that fell on Pearl Harbor” part. It could even have been something as small as a typo on the speech, leaving off the ‘s’ on bomb(s). He’s speaking in front of a large group of people and in front of cameras.
You agree?
Or do you think he’s dumb?
BTW, I don’t think Bush43 is dumb at all. He’s been incredibly shrewd and has won every ‘political’ battle he’s been in. I think his flaws are flaws of character and comprehension. And I also think he’s a chicken-shit and flinched after 9/11. Played right into AQ’s trap. Big-time.[/quote]
Bush’s main strength his is character and devotion to his ideals. Its called leadership. Leadership is what we ask for in a president.
Can you name a president with more guts and determination then Bush?