[quote=gandalf]asia, Barr or Nader or Ron Paul (who I like) are just not practical ‘protest candidates’ right now. It’s either McCain/Palin or Obama/Biden. Saying Obama and McCain are the same is untrue. There are consequential differences on energy, foreign policy and the economy.
The suggestion that voting for Obama is going to bankrupt the federal coffers is outlandish. The deficit stands currently at $10T. At what point did you realize we might already be insolvent? In the news today, Obama says the USA can’t afford McCain’s “Buy everyone a house mortgage plan.” Which candidate is presenting a responsible fiscal position? It’s actually Obama.
When I vote Libertarian this year, I know my candidate won’t win. However, my hope is that the Libertarian party will actually get enough vote to get public financing and be able to participate in the debate the next time around. We have to start somewhere. The 2 parties system just isn’t working anymore.
Drone? Nope. I’ve considered the issues carefully these past few years. This is the first election in my life where I’ve advocated a position on the candidates.
Obama is a better choice because of his positions on energy, foreign policy and the economy. He is ten times more capable, presidential and ready to lead than old-man McCain with his dementia and brain cancer. Don’t even get me started about Caribou Barbie.[/quote]
Then you must also support Obama’s push for another bailout. Most of the guys in Washington right now are in someone’s pocket. So, I don’t trust anyone of them. Obama is not even in office yet and he’s already proposing more bailouts. I can only imagine how many more bailouts he’ll propose when he actually get into office. Like DWCAP posted, Obama’s plan will increase the net deficit even more so than McCain. Obama is also only one leg of a three legged chair. Do you think Obama will veto bloated stuff coming out of a Democrat controlled Senate and House when he voted w/ his Senate buddies 97% of the times? He will definitely bring change, I just don’t like the change he’s bringing. Remember, although this $850B bailouts where proposed by Bush, the majority who voted for it were Democrats.
When I vote Libertarian this year, I know my candidate won’t win. I can only hope that my vote will actually count and give the Libertarian party enough vote to get public financing and be able to participate in the debate the next time around. In my view, we need REAL change and the 2 parties system is just not working anymore.