FYI, I have been “licensed” since you were probably in grade school or jr high, SDR. Again, you are stating that a buyer must enter into an escrow before they can find out how much a property (that they are already in contract for) is encumbered. That is just all the more reason for why CA needs good consumer case law on the books (like Holmes).
You seem to be taking the outcome of this case personally, SDR. How so? If you are not concerned that it will change the way you handle your transactions as a listing agent, then what’s all the fuss about?? Why attack the messenger? Why do you think the CA Assn. of Realtors (CAR) decided to file a depublication request on this case at the 11th hour? They are not a party. Why do you think they were so INTERESTED, SDR? This was clearly an attempt to negate the Holmes case from being cited as good law. What were they WORRIED about? More to the point, what are YOU worried about??