If California education officials have their way, generations of students may not know how to calculate an apartment’s square footage or the area of a farm field, but the “mathematics” of political agitation and organizing will be second nature to them. Encouraging those gifted in math to shine will be a distant memory.
This will be the result if a proposed mathematics curriculum framework, which would guide K-12 instruction in the Golden State’s public schools, is approved by California’s Instructional Quality Commission in meetings this week and in August and ratified by the state board of education later this year.
doing a quick google search, found a video about equitable math,… and my first thought was the expression,… “GIGO” (garbage in garbage out)
the reason “GIGO” this came to mind is because I view science as being color blind (for lack of the better term),… in other words gravity does not give a damn whether a person is pigmentally challenged or not,… if an idiots steps off a bridge I’m 100% certain gravity does not care about the color a person’s skin
the reason I point out the law of gravity is because I get the feeling that proponents of “equitable math” seems to want to force a discussion about racism before any teaching of math (I’ve time marked a youtube video so you all can hear exactly what is proposed,… like “freedom dreaming” exercises?!)
FYI the reason I thought of the programming expression “GIGO” is because IMHO math is all about being exact,… IOW the recent first flight of “ingenuity” happened to succeed because of exact calculations AND if the scientists (who designed and built “ingenuity”) had to sit through political correctness courses before taking hard core math and science courses,… gut feeling is many would say having to take time off learn about racism (which in no way affects flight performance of a spacecraft on another planet) is an unnecessary complication and is off putting
said another way as I see things seems social justice warriors (for lack of a better term) are trying to interject their political bias into the subjects of math/science AND doing so IMHO actually does more harm than good because of a dumbing down effect rather than being encouraging (for example)