Funny about that Concho as several clients I have who have Canadian relatives, and even some of my own family in Canada came to the USA for medical procedures due to the length of time they had to wait for their own system to get them the procedure.
Again, it is sad to read postings where people do not even have fundamental knowledge about the source of where the tax money goes. Confusing sales tax with a VAT is a sad commentary. Most people have no clue about other taxes they pay, for example when the go pump gas at the pump. To hear people thing other taxes will go away when a VAT is implemented is crazy.
Once a tax is in place it doesn’t just go away.
CAR I don’t buy into the only poor people have multiple jobs. I am a walking example of multiple jobs. For over 8 years I had my engineering job and my real estate business. I paid a higher tax rate because I made more money then if I had only one job. I also worked WAY more hours then someone who would have only had 1 of those jobs. With that money I made investments to make more money and get taxed at an even higher rate.
Anyways to me, a flat tax with NO loopholes makes a heck of alot of sense. Penalizing someone for busting ass and working hard makes no sense to me.