FT college is the right thing to do for recent HS grads IF:
-they don’t have any kids to support (if they do, then part-time college should be considered);
-they are not entering the military;
-they are in good enough health to complete all four years;
-they will never have to borrow to enroll or stay in college;
-they know what they want to major in;
-and, their major of choice is one in which they can easily get hired into FT employment (w/benefits) … even if they have to relocate to do so.
Otherwise, it is huge waste of time and money and there is little chance of the student actually graduating with a bachelor’s degree, IMO.
If the recent HS grad just wants to find “chicks” or get an MRS degree, it’s MUCH cheaper to join match.com and/or hang out with their former HS “homies” while living in a parent’s back bdrm and working at the Gap.