FSD, I just got back from flushing (and washing my hands)
Alex, what you and many others don’t seem to understand is that this whole circus was TOTALLY predictable, and some of us DID see it coming.
Having been in the market years ago, with multiple properties and selling out long before or near the top qualifies.
Like FSD, I coulda made lots more, but was conservative.
I learned & profited from the 90’s and wasn’t going to get caught with my pants down this time. You were probably in diapers.
With the next wave of ARM resets still coming AND THEN the wave of neg am resets, there are two other shoes yet to fall.
Keep your eye on CNBC etc, and watch the “experts” say that they didn’t see this coming. They have said it in 2007 and will be saying it in 2008, and in 2009 and maybe still in 2010.
When you get a few years of life experience behind you, maybe your comments will become a little more useful, but I’m not going to count on it.