Thanks to UCgal for the insight into Roosevelt. I’d LOVE to be in North Park, but:
Based on the insight on “progressive”, I’ll revise the school requirements: rigorous, diverse, dynamic. Strong math and science is very important; can that work without tigermom-ness?[/quote]
Look into “High Tech High,” a SDUSD Charter School which starts in the 7th grade. It is close to dtn SD and your child may likely be able to “choice” into it from several urban neighborhoods, including North Park (92104).
I actually know families who have obtained an “interdistrict transfer” for their kids to attend HT Middle and High from the “far reaches” of Chula Vista (an entirely different school district).
Hint: I’ve heard the “projects” assigned to students at HTHS are akin to actually “being on the job.”
And contrary to what sdduuuuude posted, Roosevelt Middle and SD High are very good schools 🙂
edit: I erroneously stated that HTH was part of SDUSD. It is located within the boundaries of SDUSD attendance areas but is a Charter School, thus it is not run by SDUSD. In addition, it has recently opened a Chula Vista campus. However, my friends’ children (in Chula Vista) attend the “Pt Loma” campus, located at “Liberty Station” (on the old SD Naval Training Center land). In addition, the middle school there begins in the 6th grade (not 7th grade, as I stated earlier).
HTMS/HS is an incredible opportunity for the students who are selected to attend it, IMHO … well worth the application process.