From what I’ve read, the “greatest transfer of wealth” is concentrated at the top–it’s not across the board–so it may occur for maybe 10% of the population at the max, but, that will not be the “norm,” for the other 90%.
In the very top tiers millions+ may transfer, but as you work your way down, averaged out, it amounts to a few hundred thousand at best.
I realize most of us “Piggs” are in those top tiers, but, for most, it just isn’t going to happen, and that’s why there’s concern about a “retirement crisis.”
edit: And this. . .
“It was revealed by one of the most authoritative sources comparing wealth-concentration in the various countries, (the Credit Suisse Global Wealth Databook, 2014) that in the U.S., 75.4% of all wealth is owned by the richest 10% of the people.”