From what I understood the “stoneview” area with 5500 multifamily units will only be the area .5 miles west of Camino Ruiz to Black Mountain. I have a feeling that does not include the area around Camino Santa Fe, which I am sure will get another name and more development. I still wonder about it all though, they said they have already killed some plans because of the proximity to both military and industrial sites and that they cannot meet liability issues. I wonder if more of those will come up as things go along.
5481 residental units on 300 acres is just over 18 units an acre, assuming no allowance for roads, parks, the proposed industrial space or even parking lots. Seems like really high density, but I dont really know how that all breaks down. Seems like a question for bugs or someone who knows how to compare this to other projects. Is that unbelievabliy high density or am I just reading to much into it?
the meeting minutes:
“A Planning Group subcommittee is reviewing a proposed new project named “Stone Creek,” which is a future redevelopment plan for the 300 acre section of Carroll Canyon owned by Vulcan Materials Company. The site runs from about 1/2 mile west of Camino Ruiz to Black Mountain Road (see Aerial photograph showing location). The initial proposal was for 9800 multifamily residential units and 730,000 square feet of commercial and industrial space. A revised proposal containing 5481 multifamily residential units has been submitted to the City.”