The majority of Americans expect the road to recovery to be a long one. Most predict that it will take one to five years for the country’s economy to improve, with 35% forecasting 1 to 2 years and an additional 34% saying 3 to 4 years. Almost half (49%) believe that the creation of new jobs is the action that will do the most to jump-start the economy, followed by the economic stimulus package (19%) (which had yet to be introduced, voted on and passed at the time this survey was fielded), and improvement in the housing market (10%). Increased consumer spending is seen as less important (7%).
More than half of Americans would like to see more government involvement in the U.S. financial system and believe that is the best way to restore public confidence. However, they want the government’s involvement to focus more on consumers (69%) and less on businesses (31%).
IMHO, these are very important points. Though we keep hearing from the bankers and politicians (and the ignorant, blabbering idiots on CNBC — Rick Santelli excepted) that propping up banks will somehow “fix” the economy, Joe Sixpack actually understands what’s really going on. It’s impressive to see that although the govt is trying to convince us that 1) propping up banks and 2) consummer spending are the key to “solving the crisis,” the citizens actually understand what’s really going on. It’s great to see the sheeple are starting to finally wake up. We’ve been had.
We are being shafted. This “crisis” is being used as a last-ditch effort to take whatever buying power remains in the hands of middle-class America, and transfer it to those already at the peak of the pyramid (high-ranking executives, money managers, and connected politicians).
We need to stop allowing them to divide us with trivial, emotional crap — Repub vs. Dem and conservative vs. liberal nonsense — and understand that **we, the citizens, are all together in this.** If you are not in the top 1% of the wealthiest Americans, and if you are not a well-connected politician, you are one of US! We need to stand together to fight what they are trying to do to us.