From a purely spiritual perspective, we live in a reality where we play out the illusion of duality and polarity
ie: black and white, good and bad, win and lose, etc, etc, etc
It is a never ending cycle repeating itself over and over again. When one seeks to win, one also begins in the same moment to create the experience of loss. One may not experience one without the other.
Getting deeper into my understanding of reality and how we all play this game, typically, as individual energies, we play the win/lose cycle out often through multiple incarnations. The collective consciousness does the same. So groups of people share experiences. Or at least that is how the game has been played up until now.
My understanding of where we are at this moment is that we are creating much more quickly, therefore we are experiencing the win/lose cycle much more rapidly (meaning much less time is elapsing between those two particular states of being).
It is my understanding as well, that many of us came here this time to transcend these cycles and rhythms, to transform and evolve, back to a higher consciousness.
The way to step beyond what Wave described is to reach for acceptance, always, to let go of achievement and gain. Instead to look to those around us and ask, “What, in this moment, is for the highest good of those around me and myself?” And then to listen for the answer and then be brave enough to proceed.
We are experiencing something profound, all of us, here in this reality.
I know that I drifted from your query greekfire. Sorry. lol