[quote=fredo4]Vegas lost it’s charm for me when they started trying to “class it up”. In college we used to have some great times scouting out the cheesiest lounge acts and playing those nickle plastic horse racing games while scoring free drinks.
I remember this great tiki bar that was like a plastic tropical plant oasis with a dancing waters show. And prime rib dinners for $2.99. Now, not only is Vegas not classy, but it’s not cheesy enough to be fun anymore either. It used to have a certain innocence about it (despite being run by the mob) that no longer exists.[/quote]
I used to love the 99 cent shrimp cocktails, I think you can still get them but they are not nearly as good as they used to be.
But you guy’s got me interested again, I will see if I can find one of those two night 99 dollar specials (at one of the big hotels on the strip).