[quote=fredo4]I’m a former teacher and IMO the biggest thing to look for in a school is parental involvement.
Personally, I’m a lot more concerned about the moral climate of a school than the academic climate[/quote]
Well said. How do you gauge this ?
Visits to the school or crashing the PTA meetings ?
[quote=equalizer]I think you most of you are missing big picture which is grad/professional schools. Better to go to average school like SDSU and get 3.5GPA, then you could have much better chance to get into Harvard Med, then if you went to MIT Undergrad and get 2.0 GPA with same MCAT score. I’d pick the MIT grad, but enough colleges would pick SDSU grad.
Also an excellent point. This is the “strategy” I used. Going in, it wasn’t really a strategy. I just went to my local university because it was cheap and convenient. In hindsite, I’m sold on big state party schools for undergrad, followed by a serious grad school. I give this advice to as many young’ns as I can.
It saves money and gives you time to be a kid for another four years. The pace and intensity at serious private colleges is not, in my opinion, a very healthy or happy one.