As Chris Rock has pointed out: “A man is only as faithful as his opportunities.” It’s when a man tries to deny this fundamental truth that he gets himself into trouble.[/quote]
I think that this is true (in many cases) for both men and women, which is why Hollywood is so full of divorce. It’s also why child actors don’t tend to fare well- too many opportunities at too young an age. It’s one of the reasons why I’ve never wanted to be famous. While the allure is obvious, it seems similar to life as a drug addict. All cheap highs and no lasting happiness and satisfaction. To me life is all about balance, and unless you are very wise and well disciplined, fame and too much money can ruin everything.[/quote]
I see what you’re saying but I see no reason why money/fame can’t lead to lasting happiness and satisfaction. The problem is that too many folks look for such contentment outside of themselves – and money/fame enables this. I’ve said it here many times and it’s the dumbest of cliches, but it also happens to be true: contentment resides within. No one is going to make you truly happy but yourself – not spouses, family, kids, etc. These may provide bursts of happiness but it is largely ephemeral. It is only within the mushy substance inside your skull where you can find true contentment. But you did qualify your statement with your last sentence, so… I can’t really disagree.