I did a quick scan of your responses and decided that since my FICO score IS 850, whatever I am doing must work.
Interesting. While I know that theoretically an 850 FICO is possible, I’ve never met anyone or even heard of anyone actually having an 850 FICO. In fact, I used to ask my friends in the mortgage industry if they’d ever seen an 850 and no one ever had. I’m on the loan committee of two banks and I’ve seen literally thousands of credit files and never seen a FICO above 820. I have an 800-ish FICO and I’ve never been late with a payment of any kind ever. And I always pay off my credit card bills in full, etc. And I have a 20+ year credit history, so longevity isn’t the issue, either. So, I’ve always kind of wondered what it took to get to this mythical 850 number. 850… how very unusual.