I got a phone call this weekend from a friend asking my opinion if he should buy his $1500 a month rental from his landlord for 160k, I told him “absolutely, do it yesterday.” I didn’t ask if he was going to rent it out in the future, what he thought about hyperinflation, unemployment, or any other marcoeconomic issues. Simple questions is all that is needed, will it cost the same or less than rent?
Hey TG – If your friend gets cold feet let me know !!
Where is this ?
I wanna know where I can get 1500 on a 160K purchase.
That’s more than double the rate you can get in Central SD (e.g. low end parts of Clairemont… 1700 rent 350-400K house)[/quote]
Pretty much all over TV (Older homes, a few newer ones as well) , People tend to focus on the Mc-mansions as a place to buy to live in TV.
That being said I think there is a lot of competition for rental properties as well but there seems to be more of them available these day’s.