As in Henry Ford – founder of Ford Motor Company ?
Pioneer of the assembly line and affordable cars to the masses in the early 1900’s – here – in the USA ?
An actual American-Born auto company with an American label ?
Too bad pressure from the Kia / Hyundai Walmart cars has forced the few remaining American companies to resort to some outsourcing to compete with the cheap, plastic 3rd world nerd-mobiles that are being dumped here at American taxpayer expense.
Just another major downside to the importation of slave made Walmart cars – which will always be UNcool no matter how you try and spin it.
But that doesn’t change the fact of the original Ford, Chrysler and General Motors American Heritage.
You can polish a turd (Hyundai) but in the end it’s still a turd. They pollute our economy.
Help stop the Jeff Bridges Hyundai advertising fiasco.