“For those of you who are so inclined. Look at the Mayan prophecies about 2012 and look at information pertaining to the ascension of Earth and the ascension (or re-ascension as it truly is) of the Earthlings. Stay away from the fear based stuff. Meaning, do not let the information send you into fear.
We have such an opportunity to shift into a higher way of being now.”
Enorah, I completely agree with you. However, I think it is our leaders who are acting out of fear. I have been following the 2012 theme and am beginning to suspect that leaders of our country and others are acutely aware that our planet is about to enter a rare cycle (occurring once every 26,000 years) in which our solar system journeys to the center of the Milky Way galaxy, at the core of which is a black hole. The last time this celestial event occurred, mankind had not yet graced this planet. In other words, we have no idea what we are about to experience, but I think there is good reason to believe that a journey to a point near a black hole could have potentially catastrophic consequences and cause significant planetary disruption, i.e. earthquakes, tsunamis, extraordinary volcanic activity, extreme climate change, etc.
I think it is at least worth considering that world governments, anticipating such events, would feel the need to *manage* the crisis and rapidly-diminishing resources (such as food and water) by controlling the world’s population. The first step would be to restrict liberties. This has already begun in the U.S., courtesy of the Patriot Act. Most other countries already have drastic restrictions in liberties. The next step would be to control the means of production and distribution. This is in progress now as the global financial system careens towards collapse. Once the population — heavily in debt and dependent on the *system* — is deprived of paper assets, employment, wealth and the means to sustain itself, it will be much easier to control. Essentially, hungry and desperate people will do anything they are told to do, as long as they are fed and *secure*.
I’m not sure what the end game is, but I would suspect that the Powers that Be believe that this course of action is *necessary* to ensure the controlled survival of at least some portion of mankind, probably the youngest and healthiest (although not necessarily the most intelligent, as they are more difficult to control), i.e. those most useful to them. I don’t think that they mind seeing a good chunk of the rest of the world’s population disappear.
I believe the Mayan-2012 Event (also embraced by the ancient Sumerians) very much frightens the Powers That Be, as it threatens to overturn thousands of years of power that they have systematically held over the world’s population. Events could easily spiral out of their control. The world’s population could rise up against them. It’s a dangerous game they play. And for that reason, I actually welcome the Event as I believe that it is an opportunity for mankind to shed all of the bulls***, the trappings of the material world that has divided us all, the racism and sexism that has been used to oppress us, and the love of money that has been used to subjugate and destroy us. I see 2012 as an opportunity to re-boot mankind and start fresh. Not all of us are going to make it, but I don’t necessarily think that’s a problem. Change never comes without pain. Those who follow us will be much better off in the long run. Post-2012, I think we are going to be looking at a radically different Earth: one with more challenges, to be sure, but one that gives mankind a freedom that it hasn’t experienced for thousands of years.
Just food for thought as we move forward through these unprecedented times…