For some reason, most of this thread reminds me a HBO episode of real sex where a guy was talking about having the surgery where the cut tendon or something in your penis so it hangs bigger and how important it was to know when it got tough in business that he had a bigger Johnson in his pants.
Not a metaphorical I got bigger brass balls, but a literal comfort in fighting out the business negotiation because with the surgery, he thought his penis was bigger than theirs. Just one of those LOL memories.
I have great appreciate for our forefathers and mothers. As another mentioned previously, the average subsistence Ghana, could probably kick all of our asses in a fist fight and definitely work us physically into the ground.
Work ‘back then’ was work and they were lean and strong. The Voyagers carried multiple packs weighing 90 lbs each. These aren’t big burly guys, they’re lean guys, probably weighing in at 140-150 pounds, lugging 270 lbs of pack over a half mile slick muddle hilly mosquito infested portage. And back for more.
Driving railroad spikes all day. Loading hay bales. digging ditches, etc.