For me, this whole Clinton interview thing is a Red Herring.
Who cares?
He isn’t the President any more, so what he did/didn’t do while in office is pointless waste of time to dwell on.
What he thinks now, or what other people think he ought to have done, is a classic case of ‘shudda, wudda, cudda’.
What matters is what’s happening now.
George W Bush is the President, and has been for almost 6 years.
All this outrage and Moral Panic ought to be directed against the administration in power at the present time.
Unless someone builds a time machine, then what happened two elections ago is about as relevant as a Chocolate Teapot.
The Republicans are welcome to point the finger at Clinton and make him out to be the Devil Incarnate,
but if they don’t try an do something to remedy the situation after 6 years in power, then all they’re doing is blaming someone else for their problems.