For electric I used to have a Bradley Smoker. It was cool because you could put these wood pellet things in a feeder, and it kept the temp at a set level, so you didn’t have to tend to it at all.
– It was hard to get it up to temp… when full it would take a long time, and every time you opened the door it would cool down a lot.
– It’s harder to baste (or “mop” in the bbq vernacular) because everything is stacked up.
– It’s not all weather, it needs to be kept out of the rain (even if you use the cover that comes with it). This is why I don’t have it any more.
I switched over to a Big Steel Keg (since it can be both a smoker and a grill) which I love but that’s charcoal and requires more babysitting.
A friend of mine has a simpler one that’s bullet shaped and just has a pan of water in the bottom, and you put wood chips next to the heating elements. That seems to work fine too. Don’t know the brand.
The beauty of smoking is that it is very error tolerant… all kinds of stuff works.
On that note, 350 is not necessary for poultry. Maybe it works fine, but I’ve never gone above 250 for low and slow.