For all of you who have more sense, than to roll in the mud with the witless harridan, I will shoulder the task.
Marion, since almost everything you have to say on this site has at least a passing relationship with the ridiculous, one must suspect an inability on your part to recognize it in any form. Perhaps the story of the “Che flag” in Obama’s Houston headquarters escaped your notice? Should you require more evidence of Obama, Marxism, and his whackdoodle nutjob supporters, you might try googling “Obama Marxist”, and give a read to a bit of the torrent that appears.
Of course, you’ll feel at home and justified by what you find. They all feel that someone else should pick up the tab for their idiotic wandering in this life, just as you feel glee each time you cash one of your ex’s support checks. At least he has the satisfaction of having rid himself of you. The taxpayer is saddled with the government tit-suckers of this society without such compensation.