Focusing on pay/benes of public servants is miniscule compared to other fraud perpetuated with the taxpayers’ money. How about this one? Allegedly, this custom designed RV cost $300K. Not to mention maintenance, gas, and staffing.
It was even featured on the news as something absolutely wonderful offered to our active duty and families.
It advertises its services as “FREE.” It goes around to various locations and distributes flyers. They have to trick customers to come in with bribery. They put a table outside with toys and in the morning when the kids go to school, they see the toys and want them. However, they can’t get the toy unless they bring a parent back with them, who has to sign in.
A VW, a couple of folding tables, packed with flyers could have accomplished the same task. The government spends our money on STUFF, not services.
[img_assist|nid=14038|title=Family Readiness Express|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=278|height=204]