[quote=FlyerInHi]You have not experienced high water and utility rates until you look at Hawaii.
One argument is that people would save and retrofit to more efficient systems once the higher rates force them. But that is not that case because retrofitting is a very inefficient, slow, one by one process. It’s much better to build the infrastructure at the onset.
New house prices are set by a combination of factors but mostly by what buyers can afford monthly payment wise. If the costs are lower, the builders just pocket the extra profit margins. When costs are higher, they may try to pass on some costs of solar of water reclamation systems, but certainly not 100%.[/quote]
Agreed. And what builders pay to install solar, especially with their economies of scale and their ability to include all the infrastructure for it at the outset, is far less than what Joe Sixpack has to pay after the fact.
If we all had solar, and if the govt controlled distribution, then the energy monopolies could not gouge us like they do. I firmly believe that the system is designed they way it is (private corporate monopoly/control of distribution lines and no solar) because dirty money has changed hands.