[quote=FlyerInHi]Wow, a Democrat won the governor’s race in Kentucky against the Republican incumbent. Add that to the Democrats eviscerating Republicans in Virginia. Virginia is becoming another California. all that good jobs are in states held by Democrats. That is pretty good indication of the effectiveness of economic policies. Money talks.[/quote]
Riiiiggghhhtt… Try some history. It takes several years for the policies of a Governor or Legislative body to have an effect. The San Diego pension crisis has been building for years. How about Detroit, Philadelphia, Chicago? What tends to happen is that there is an economic build-up AND THEN everybody feels so flush with cash thinking that any half brained spending idea is a good idea.. so the voters go for it, after all the state’s coffers are full – AND THEN….
Remember, California had Republican governors as well as Democrat governors.
1959-1967 8yrs Pat Brown – Democrat
1967-1975 8yrs Ronald Reagan – Republican
1975-1983 8yrs Jerry Brown – Democrat
1983-1991 8yrs George Deukmejian – Republican
1991-1999 8yrs Pete Wilson – Republican
1999-2003 4yrs Gray Davis – Democrat (recalled)
2003-2011 8yrs Arnold Schwarzenegger – Republican
2011-2019 8yrs Jerry Brown – Democrat
2019- Gavin Newsom – Democrat
Looks like a more balanced approach is best for state growth and success!
You mentioned that Virginia is becoming another ‘California’.. if you look at the history of Virginia, you’ll see that governors were Democrats from 1886 to 1970, then became Republican for 12 years, Democrat for 12 years, Republican for 8 years, Democrat for 8 years, Republican for 4 years, Democrat for 8. – becoming more balanced.. Hummm, maybe a more balance approach works?