We don’t meet anything of the sort. Just overcome the groups who put feelings before facts and science and oppose contraception and family planning.
Get the funding (which would be minimal compared to welfare) and make the teachers teach sex ed and hand out condoms and the pill at nurses’ offices.
Forget about the boys. Just tell the girls that if they have sex, they need to be careful of VD and be on the pill and make the guys wear condoms.
I betcha we will cut welfare and crime over a generation. Pretty simple.
The term racist is relative. By today’s standards, Obama’s white grandparents would likely be racist. But they had a hippie daughter who wanted to marry a black guy. So they had no choice but to change and adapt. And I’m sure that, over time, the grandparents were pretty proud as Obama became successful.
When Obama was born there was lots of racism in Hawaii. But lately young people are proud of their multiculturalism. It has a cool factor now. We have to shape the minds of children by using the right language and sending the right messages.
The world changes. We have to adapt. Even the British monarchy had to change the language it uses to fit modern times.[/quote]
Another example of sexism: It’s the woman’s fault if she gets pregnant, and only women can be “welfare queens.” What about the men? Why do you think they should get a free pass on this? Why should women be responsible for making sure that males get to have consequence-free sex? It takes two to make a baby, and two people need to take responsibility for whatever happens as a result of having sex.